Project Management Expertise
Dedicated to helping organizations mature their practice of the discipline of project management and create an environment for project success.
Focused on closing the gap between what better educated/skilled project managers need for success and what is being provided by their organizations/executives.
Helping organizations base their successes more on repeatable practices and less on individual heroics.
Providing objective, independent, and unbiased expertise that is targeted to the client’s specific needs.
Success in business is increasingly dependent on the ability to manage projects. More organizations are using project management today than at any time in the past.
Organizations that are better at project management complete more projects on time and within budget. They capture more business, have higher levels of customer satisfaction, and retain higher caliber employees.
Higher performance organizations possess a culture and environment for successful projects.
Currently accepting assignments on a pro bono basis. Donating time and tallent to selected nonprofit organizations. Performing work for organizations that, in lieu of compensation, make contributions to selected charitable organizations.
Michael O’Brochta
- Project Manager
- Thought Leader
- Consultant
- Speaker
- Trainer
- Author